leaving a churned trail of mulch and wet leaves in its wake.
Into the scentless winter air: the seeping odour of radiator fluid, of gasoline.
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
Within the folded metal of the vehicle: a buckled dashboard, bent steering wheel, more glass and—in the middle—something that had once been a man. White hair, wet against the skull, matted now in a thick red mud.
The first chapters show the bad consequences of cars
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
It didn’t matter; Laura had nothing to park.
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
It didn’t matter; Laura had nothing to park.
She has no car
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
They come in every colour, like Life Savers.
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
Warren, as bulgy as Laura was thin. Family photos always looked like an ad for an eating disorders clinic
The mother consums, the girl does not
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
“I deal with traffic fatalities. I’ll be overseeing this investigation. I’m very sorry about your father.”
No, you’re not. Without traffic fatalities, you’d be out of a job. “Thank you.”
Invisibility here! She thinks that his dad died because of car but she does'nt tell it.
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
The city, that’s who did this.
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
You want to arrest someone, arrest the fuckin’ mayor.”
indiana delcloshas quotedlast year
Traces of the accident would slowly vanish—except for one distinct streak of rubber, an extended skid on the asphalt where a second set of tire treads led toward the guardrail beside the bridge. Those marks would last a long, long while.