bookmate game

Julia Wolf

  • Yassminehas quoted10 months ago
    “Elise Levy? Elliot’s sweet little sister with the big dimple in her right cheek?”
    “Left.” I cleared my throat
  • Yassminehas quoted10 months ago
    She was going to spend her Sunday in bed, and knowing her, wouldn’t feel the least bit guilty about it
  • Yassminehas quoted10 months ago
    I believed her. With her, everything was different
  • Yassminehas quoted10 months ago
    They say Plato invented the concept of soul mates.
    I say your parents invented mine.
  • Yassminehas quoted10 months ago
    “It is a big deal. Why should you go without something when you like it? I would never knowingly take something you like away from you. Never.”
    He pulled back, and the look he gave me was devastating. “You took you away from me, and I more than like you.”
  • b9444846097has quotedlast year
    I couldn’t even force myself to blink. My boyfriend, the one I trusted with my body, my sexuality, my everything, had turned me into a joke. He’d taken all my insecurities and GIF-ified them for his buddies’ amusement.
  • b9444846097has quotedlast year
    “How is your first day?”

    These were the first words he’d spoken to me in three years. I remembered the last ones. “You’re making a mistake.” He’d been right, of course, but I’d never admit that to him.
  • b9444846097has quotedlast year
    “Elise Levy? Elliot’s sweet little sister with the big dimple in her right cheek?”

    “Left.” I cleared my throat.
  • b9444846097has quotedlast year
    “Renata tells me you go by Lise now.”

    Again, her pink lips parted. Was I that shocking?

    “Yes. Most people call me that. Elliot refuses to change, which isn’t surprising, knowing him. Elise or Lise is fine.”

    “No Ellie?”

    Her eyes met mine. There was something there, beneath the surface, but she blinked, and it was gone before I could catch it.

    “No. You were the only one who called me that, you know. I haven’t gone by that since high school.”
  • b9444846097has quotedlast year
    “Pink’s still your favorite color?”

    Her chest rose as she sucked in a breath. “I guess it is since I keep buying pink things. I’m surprised you remember that.”

    “I haven’t forgotten a thing about you Elli—Elise.”
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