The devs are the shining gods of the day, of the clear blue sky, of things visible in the daylight, while Asura is a god within, a god of chiefly spiritual and moral character.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
When you understand a thing, you say: “I see”—and in order to see you need light.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
he says: “and Zarathustra passed by me,”
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
the life of a creative individual contains any amount of destruction, even of self-destruction.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
One should cease the foolishness of thinking that all people are the same and have the same creed. It is absolutely impossible. We are converting negroes for their own destruction, for example. It would be better to go to Africa and shoot them down than to make them degenerate by becoming Christians.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
“What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?”—so asketh the last man and blinketh.
Liamhas quoted2 years ago
“And now do they look at me and laugh: and while they laugh they hate me too. There is ice in their laughter.”
Aziza Mohammedhas quoted2 years ago
man is an enigma to himself.
Aziza Mohammedhas quoted2 years ago
Until then man must continue to resemble a hermit who knows that in respect of comparative anatomy he has affinities with the anthropoids but, to judge by appearances, is extraordinarily different from his cousins in respect of his psyche.