wanders over, his hands shoved into his robe pockets. "She's here, isn't she? She can either do it, or she’ll be stuck out here by herself.”
August_02has quotedlast year
Aspen was pregnant.
She was carrying something inside of her I never knew I longed for.
A baby… our baby.
August_02has quoted8 months ago
I'm going to have a baby.”
It's like a bowling ball
August_02has quoted8 months ago
thought I'd be upset?”
“Well, yeah. Here you are, thinking I'm on the pill, and somehow I end up pregnant. That’s pretty suspicious, if you ask me.”
It would be, if I didn’t have a part in it. Guilt eats away at my black heart
August_02has quoted10 months ago
recognize her.
"Have we met before?"
She shuffles the towels between her hands, and I rush over to help her. When she waves me off and carries the stack into the bathroom, I wait by the bed.
Returning, she smoothes her hand down her pants. "Sorry abou
August_02has quoted10 months ago
There’s blood on Sebastian’s hand, which I assume is Elyse’s. Did he hurt her? I can’t fathom him doing that, but then again, we all do things differently when the stress on us is different.
August_02has quoted10 months ago
chen six months ago. Lee, Aries, and I have an ongoing bet that she's going to punch him square in the face and quit before the summer ends
August_02has quoted8 months ago
When the sound of the shower greets my ears, I start my search.
She’s on the pill, or so she told me when I asked. Where would she keep them?
Ajeng Poppyhas quoted15 days ago
I want you to experience love for what it is. A valley of highs and lows
Ajeng Poppyhas quoted15 days ago
lows, and the only person to help guide you is the one standing beside you through it all.