Jefferson A. Singer

  • Bonbon Garzonhas quotedyesterday
    Eventually you will see that the real cause of problems is not life itself. It’s the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes problems.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quotedyesterday
    The only permanent solution to your problems is to go inside and let go of the part of you that seems to have so many problems with reality.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quotedyesterday
    Reality is just too real for most of us, so we temper it with the mind.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quotedyesterday
    You think that if you change things outside, you’ll be okay. But nobody has ever truly become okay by changing things outside. There’s always the next problem. The only real solution is to take the seat of witness consciousness and completely change your frame of reference.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    All of these inner changes occur because your heart got disturbed when you saw one particular car. It is truly amazing to step back and look at this process. Five years ago, for just a few moments, an event took place. You never discussed it with anybody, and now five years later, a light blue Mustang drives by and it changes the energy flow through your heart and mind.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    No wonder we’re so overwhelmed. No wonder the heart keeps opening and closing.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    Sensory inputs from today’s events dig through all the stuff you have stored through the years, and they restore the exact past patterns associated with the incoming events.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    The point is that past impressions do get stimulated, even old ones, and they affect your life.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    What is happening is that unfinished mental and emotional energy patterns are getting stored and reactivated.
  • Jan Sandrene Bastatashas quotedlast year
    most of what you take in does not get blocked; it makes it right through you
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