
Head of Zeus

Head of Zeus is an award-winning independent publisher of genre fiction, narrative nonfiction, and children’s books. We are based in Clerkenwell, London, but our reach is global. We have published 93 (and counting) #1 bestsellers around the world, and won 21 literary prizes and two industry awards. All our writers, whether debut author or Sunday Times bestseller, are published in digital, print and audio formats with a zeal that merges talent with tradecraft and technology.
years of life: 2012 present



Banasree Dattahas quoted2 years ago
You will die old and alone and you will know deep fear.
sazin divahas quoted2 years ago
I will gather up all the little pieces that you have chipped away, hidden in drawers, swept under the carpet and shoved behind cushions and I will rebuild myself. I will become all of the things that I thought I might. All the dreams I considered before you broke me, I will chase them all.
Nadnadhas quoted2 years ago
start of their journey, here among the west London rooftops, living with this assured, worldly woman. Pru followed Trudy down a narrow hallway, noting the way she swept along on her high heels, which made her look refined and sophisticated, sexy. She was going to practise that walk and when she had enough money, buy herself a pair of high-heeled red patent leather shoes, just like Trudys.


nabzydeniseshared an impression6 months ago
👍Worth reading

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