Both worldviews rest heavily on the perception of women being without humanity, individuality or soul.
TaeTaehas quoted2 months ago
We are talking about an industry that exploits men’s worst fears, preys on their vulnerabilities and literally trains them in harassment, stalking and even sexual assault.
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
The strategy of trying to create false equivalence in deeply gendered issues is not only deliberately manipulative, but also undermines the cause of the real male victims who deserve help, support and sympathy
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
On the urgent and taboo topic of male victims of sexually violent men, they remain resoundingly silent.
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
applications by fathers were in fact “overwhelmingly successful
THIS IS SO TRUE! my solicitor basically tried to convince me that i should see my dad to “keep the family together”
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
MRAs demonstrate a dogged and deliberately obtuse determination to lay the ills men suffer at the feet of those women who are often most invested in fighting to fix them
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
The homoerotic nature of the imagery was apparently not intentional.
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
It is not women, or even feminists, who have limited, frustrated, diminished, hurt and damaged men, but masculinity itself, or, rather, our society’s constricting, toxic, self-defeating version of what it means to perform being a man.
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
People who are just trying to provoke outrage with fake provocation don’t go out and kill people in real life. Incels do.
em 💌has quoted2 years ago
she was intensely harassed online by gamers, who saw her commentary as an attack on the industry and an unwelcome attempt to sanitise or ‘feminise’ it