grown lovingly in the sandy soil by the estuary and as smooth to the touch as sea-scoured beach pebbles. The man who was not moved to eat the jackets of such potatoes was nothing if not a scoundrel.
Francis Sarabiahas quotedlast year
ales, in the sickly yellow waistcoat he wore on weekdays, was perched on a high stool behind the bar, reading the racing results to Old Crubog.
Pat Hallhas quotedlast year
Normally, he would not have blamed him for avoiding the latter because the jackets of s
Dishinya Gogoihas quotedlast year
Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit answered to, in strongest conjuration. —Charles Dickens
Dishinya Gogoihas quotedlast year
he peasants knew that a spoiled son did more harm to a family than a dead one,
Dishinya Gogoihas quotedlast year
en have choices that women don’t.
Dishinya Gogoihas quotedlast year
Whether China capitulated or avenged itself, the weeds would have to be pulled from the vegetable garden, rope sandals would need to be woven if they were to have shoes, and the thieves who tried often to steal their few chickens had to be kept away
Dishinya Gogoihas quotedlast year
This was his burden, not hers
Nast Huertahas quotedyesterday
Sunja looked up and saw the new man in the light-colored Western suit and white leather shoes.
Rachel Folkhas quoted6 months ago
Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger than magician ever spoke, or spirit answered to, in strongest conjuration.