
Gaston Leroux

  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    the forget–me–not eyes, the rose–red cheeks and the lily–white neck and shoulders
  • Ayahas quotedlast year
    the girl with the tip–tilted nose, the forget–me–not eyes, the rose–red cheeks and the lily–white neck and shoulders
  • zeelpatel1209has quotedlast year
    "Your soul is a beautiful thing, child,"
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    The woman laughed and said that she was quite well, but that he must not disturb her, for she wished to be left alone. And she passed on. One idea alone filled Raoul’s burning brain: of course, Daae wished to be left alone FOR HIM! Had he not told her that he wanted to speak to her privately?
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    Everybody remarked that the retiring managers looked cheerful, as is the Paris way. None will ever be a true Parisian who has not learned to wear a mask of gaiety over his sorrows and one of sadness, boredom or indifference over his inward joy. You know that one of your friends is in trouble; do not try to console him: he will tell you that he is already comforted; but, should he have met with good fortune, be careful how you congratulate him: he thinks it so natural that he is surprised that you should speak of it.
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    "You know as well as I do that she has the reputation of being quite good," said Richard.
    "Reputations are easily obtained," replied Moncharmin. "Haven’t I a reputation for knowing all about music? And I don’t know one key from another."
    "Don’t be afraid: you never had that reputation," Richard declared.
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    And that evening Box Five was sold.

    thats actually sad. i feel sorry for the ghost, like, he is not evil (i will pretend i dont remember that he killed people), he is kind, or, at least, not rude, just leave him and his PRIVATE box alone, wtf chaps

  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    Often he would play his saddest tunes on the beach and pretend that the sea stopped its roaring to listen to them.
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    and he maintained that every great musician, every great artist received a visit from the Angel at least once in his life. Sometimes the Angel leans over their cradle, as happened to Lotte, and that is how there are little prodigies who play the fiddle at six better than men at fifty, which, you must admit, is very wonderful. Sometimes, the Angel comes much later, because the children are naughty and won’t learn their lessons or practise their scales. And, sometimes, he does not come at all, because the children have a bad heart or a bad conscience.
    No one ever sees the Angel; but he is heard by those who are meant to hear him.
  • Simon Sushynskyhas quoted6 months ago
    when they are sad and disheartened. Then their ears suddenly perceive celestial harmonies, a divine voice, which they remember all their lives. Persons who are visited by the Angel quiver with a thrill unknown to the rest of mankind. And they can not touch an instrument, or open their mouths to sing, without producing sounds that put all other human sounds to shame. Then people who do not know that the Angel has visited those persons say that they have genius.
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