Allowing Russians to vote in free elections, thought Ilyin, was like allowing embryos to choose their species
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
Fascism begins not with an assessment of what is within, but from a rejection of what is without.
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
May your prayer be a sword and your sword be a prayer!”
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
To speak of Ukraine was to be a mortal enemy of Russia. Ilyin took for granted that a post-Soviet Russia would include Ukraine
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
The nation, “pure and objective,” was what the philosopher saw when he blinded himself
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
more. Life is nasty, brutish, and short; the pleasure of life is that it can be made nastier, more brutish, and shorter for others
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
Our very individuality only proves that the world is flawed: “the empirical fragmentation of human existence is an incorrect, a transitory, and a metaphysically untrue condition of the world.”
Yanahas quoted2 years ago
According to Ilyin, communism had been inflicted upon innocent Russia by the decadent West
Yanahas quoted3 years ago
If we wish to have a better account of good and evil, we will have to resuscitate history
Yanahas quoted3 years ago
Europeans and Americans wasted time by asking whether an invasion had taken place, whether Ukraine was a country, and whether it had somehow deserved to be invaded. This revealed a capacious vulnerability that Russia soon exploited within the European Union and the United States