Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Gambler

  • b6202049305has quoted3 years ago
    What am I? I am zero—nothing. What shall I be tomorrow? I may be risen from the dead, and have begun life anew. For still, I may discover the man in myself, if only my manhood has not become utterly shattered.
  • rebeklyhas quoted3 months ago
    Do not leave her alone so much as advise her, persuade her, draw her away. In any case do not let her gamble; find her some counter-attraction."
  • rebeklyhas quoted3 months ago
    But she will only gamble away all that she has—gamble it away like thistledown. You yourself have seen her play. Once she has acquired the taste for gambling, she will never leave the roulette-table, but, of sheer perversity and temper, will stake her all, and lose it. In cases such as hers a gambler can never be torn away from the game; and then—and then—"
  • rebeklyhas quoted3 months ago
    I yearn but to be in her presence, and within the circle of her light and splendour—to be there now, and forever, and for the whole of my life. More I do not know. How can I ever bring myself to leave her?
  • Rachel Rachelhas quoted5 months ago
    I suppose you would like to take them to the Casino to play roulette? Well, excuse my speaking so plainly, but I know how addicted you are to gambling. Though I am not your mentor, nor wish to be, at least I have a right to require that you shall not actually compromise me."
  • rebeklyhas quoted7 months ago
    All women are like that. Even the proudest of them become abject slaves where marriage is concerned.
  • rebeklyhas quoted7 months ago
    As he passed I looked at him, and the thought occurred to me that he was a man lost for ever.
  • rebeklyhas quoted7 months ago
    if necessity drives, one enters into relation with people whom one simply detests.
  • rebeklyhas quoted7 months ago
    You have lost your temper now, and are beginning to play the fool!
  • rebeklyhas quoted7 months ago
    "one cannot arrest a man for brawling until he has brawled.
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