There is a distinct tendency among Englishwomen of a very normal type rather to shy away from the emotion of love when directed towards themselves, unless they happen to have fallen in love on their own account first. Once married, to shy becomes a duty as well as, so to speak, a pleasure; it is what society expects of them. Only, curiously enough, an exception is ordinarily made in favour of the devotions of young men to older married women: these are regarded as an arrangement socially sound, formative to the young man and innocuous to the married woman, who has other fish – a husband and a family – to fry. The frying of the family is supposed to keep her out of harm’s way. On the whole this view is a sane one; and Grace, aware of it, though she might be surprised, did not feel called upon to be shocked by Nicholas’s state, accustomed as she was to regulate her life and even her thoughts by conventional standards. But the married woman,