He didn’t move. He sat and watched as her eyes went glassy, as her hand dropped away, as at last she slumped backward, her empty gaze fastened on the moon.
Кара Широганеhas quoted3 years ago
spoke his true name, the one she only used when they trained, the name tattooed on his heart. A heart that had not stopped beating. A heart that still had life.
Кара Широганеhas quoted3 years ago
I’m going to die here. They’ll wear my bones.
Alexhas quoted4 years ago
“I don’t have one.” “How can you not have one?” Deep blue like the True Sea. Red like the roofs of the Shu temples. The pure, buttery color of sunlight—not really yellow or gold, what would you call it? All the colors you couldn’t see in the dark.
Alexhas quoted4 years ago
“What’s your favorite color?” asked Sylvi.
Alexhas quoted4 years ago
Fear is a powerful ally, but feed it too often, make it too strong, and it will turn on you.
Lena Ehas quoted4 years ago
“What’s your favorite color?” asked Sylvi.
“I don’t have one.”
“How can you not have one?”
Deep blue like the True Sea. Red like the roofs of the Shu temples. The pure, buttery color of sunlight—not really yellow or gold, what would you call it? All the colors you couldn’t see in the dark.
yelenahas quoted4 years ago
Fear is a powerful ally, but feed it too often, make it too strong, and it will turn on you.
Natalie Halehas quoted4 years ago
know. It’s my own name I’m afraid of forgetting.” “Your true name is written here,” she said tapping his chest. “Tattooed on your heart. You don’t let just anyone read it.”
sari hdzhas quoted4 years ago
He didn’t say anything, but he gave her hand the barest squeeze.
Annika smiled, and to Eryk’s surprise, he found himself smiling back.