I’ve lost all capacity for disbelief. I’m not sure that I could even rise to a little gentle scepticism.
prozachas quoted8 years ago
The scientific approach to the examination of phenomena is a defence against the pure emotion of fear.
Анна П.has quoted7 years ago
GUIL The only beginning is birth and the only end is death—if you can’t count on that, what can you count on?
Анна П.has quoted8 years ago
I can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and I can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and I can do you all three concurrent or consecutive, but I can’t do you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory—they’re all blood, you see.
Анна П.has quoted8 years ago
The scientific approach to the examination of phenomena is a defence against the pure emotion of fear.
Анна П.has quoted8 years ago
Four: a spectacular vindication of the principle that each individual coin spun individually (he spins one) is as likely to come down heads as tails and therefore should cause no surprise each individual time it does. (It does. He tosses it to Ros.)
prozachas quoted8 years ago
He has moved towards Hamlet but his nerve fails.
prozachas quoted8 years ago
Deaths for all ages and occasions! Deaths by suspension, convulsion, consumption, incision, execution, asphyxiation and malnutrition—! Climactic carnage, by poison and by steel—! Double deaths by duel—! Show!
prozachas quoted8 years ago
I congratulate you on the unambiguity of your situation.
prozachas quoted8 years ago
We don’t question, we don’t doubt. We perform. But a line must be drawn somewhere, and I would like to put it on record that I have no confidence in England. Thank you.