Sometimes the most uncomfortable learning is the most powerful.
Anna Shestopalhas quoted2 days ago
It’s dangerous to put your self-worth in other people’s hands.
Anna Shestopalhas quoted2 days ago
As researcher and writer Sherry Turkle says, “ Boredom is your imagination calling to you.”
Anna Shestopalhas quoted2 days ago
simple, boring tasks or mundane activities can allow our minds to wander, daydream, and create. The lack of stimulation that defines “being bored” gives our imagination room to play and grow.
Bonbon Garzonhas quotedlast month
Avoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run, but it will never make you less afraid
Anna Shestopalhas quoted5 months ago
Envy occurs when we want something that another person has.
Jealousy is when we fear losing a relationship or a valued part of a relationship that we already have.
Anna Shestopalhas quoted5 months ago
Reverence, which is sometimes called adoration, worship, or veneration, is a deeper form of admiration or respect and is often combined with a sense of meaningful connection with something greater than ourselves
Anna Shestopalhas quoted5 months ago
regardless of the different outcomes, in the end, comparing ourselves to others leads us to fear, anger, shame, and sadness.
Anna Shestopalhas quoted5 months ago
Comparison is actually not an emotion, but it drives all sorts of big feelings that can affect our relationships and our self-worth
Anna Shestopalhas quoted5 months ago
Comparison is a creativity killer, among other things.