Catherine de Lange

Brain Power

  • Rezanurhas quoted2 months ago
    the benefits of fasting is that eating less gives our metabolism a break, affording our body respite from this process.
  • Airina Nabila Abdul Nizanhas quotedlast year
    a healthy brain is about feeling good
  • Rikuhas quoted9 days ago
    Excitingly, recent studies suggest that the environment, rather than genetics, has the most influence on how the brain changes as we age, and eventual cognitive decline,1 leaving no doubt that what we choose to do in our daily lives is crucial to our brain health.
  • austriajoy18has quoted10 days ago
    Meet your microbiome
  • austriajoy18has quoted10 days ago
    Bad diet is the leading risk factor for death in the majority of countries around the world, claiming more lives than smoking.
  • musettathebesthas quotedlast month
    One of those is to get enough sleep.
  • musettathebesthas quotedlast month
    • If you have access to a weekly fruit-and-veg-box delivery, it can be a fun way to increase the diversity of the food you normally eat.

    • Sprinkle mixed nuts and seeds on top of cereal, yogurt or soup – each variety counts towards your weekly thirty.

    • The same goes for mixed salad leaves – an easy way to diversify your diet with minimal effort.

    • Freeze excess fruit and vegetables to retain most of the nutrients, and pop them into smoothies or other dishes
  • musettathebesthas quotedlast month
    • Eat mainly plants and try to get in at least thirty different varieties of plant-based foods a week. This includes fruit and vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds. Fibre, especially wholegrain, is particularly good.

    • Avoid too much refined and heavily processed food, and sugary food and drinks.

    • Herbs and spices are an easy way to add variety to your diet, and pack it full of flavour too.
  • musettathebesthas quotedlast month
    the most important thing is to eat a diverse range of plant-based foods, in order to nurture a diverse microbiome.
  • musettathebesthas quotedlast month
    giving women a probiotic yogurt containing bacteria twice a day for four weeks improved the way their brains processed emotions.
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