they are not looking for a replica of ‘daddy’ at all, and are in fact looking for his polar opposite, which means they are searching for a man who can provide them all that daddy failed to do.
Mahmoud Qadrihas quoted6 years ago
When your friend comes by to your place, snuggle up and hug your friend.
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
The nice guy equals bland, forgettable and replaceable
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
Work out and look good naked
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
Behave like a knight in shining armor and treat her like a princess when you’re with a girl you like. Learning the art of chivalry alone can take you deep into a girl’s heart.
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
TIP 10 - Wit and charm.
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
Emphasize the obvious things
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
Repetition and persistence destroys fear
Rıdvan Erenhas quoted7 years ago
Most of women feel the unstoppable impulse to vacuum clean when they are at the ovulation