“IF A SINGLE PERSON IN THIS ROOM MOVES ANOTHER INCH, YOU WILL BE FACING IMMEDIATE EXPULSION!” Orion bellowed, the whole of the glass roof vibrating from his ferocious tone.
Madihas quoted2 years ago
“Why'd you come back?” I choked out, tugging my palm free and wrapping my hands around my head again. “My spidey senses were tingling,” he said, chuckling and I glanced up at him, my brow creasing.
Madihas quoted2 years ago
“Do you want me and my sister dead?” I pinned him with my hardest, most unwavering stare. For Tory. For me. I had to hear his answer, even if it was a lie. His eyes softened, running over my face with the faintest of frowns. “No, Blue. I don't.”
Queen🦋has quoted5 months ago
He grinned from ear to ear. “Kiss?” he asked. “No!” I gasped as he leaned in for one. “Are you crazy?” I shoved him back and he started bobbing on his heels. “Crazy for you.”
cocoa_heatherhas quoted6 months ago
Why are the hot ones always jerks?
cocoa_heatherhas quoted6 months ago
And now I was sitting in a classroom in front of the hottest teacher I'd ever seen.
cocoa_heatherhas quoted6 months ago
Tears never did anyone any favours, but sometimes they just needed to fall.
Marian Alexiahas quoted6 months ago
We were alone against the Heirs.
And I was beginning to think we were destined to fall at their mercy
Marian Alexiahas quoted6 months ago
Professor Astrum had been murdered.
Marian Alexiahas quoted6 months ago
We followed the dispersing crowd until we’d rounded a corner and I stopped to pull the card from my pocket.
Darcy gasped as her eyes fell on the picture of a cloaked skeleton riding a horse, its empty eyes were staring up at us in warning. At the bottom of the card was a single word: Death.
Darcy reached forward to take it and as her fingers brushed the card, the warmth emanating from it flared to a burn. I almost dropped it in surprise but a set of pale eyes seemed to blink at me on the edges of my consciousness and for a second it was as though Professor Astrum was standing before us. The image was gone as soon as it had come and I frowned at Darcy in confusion as I flipped the card over