selling you to you. Go out and take action. The world needs entrepreneurs. – Robb LeCount
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
Bottom line: This book is
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
As I’ve written about in previous lessons, unity is not something to take for granted. It has to be worked on and focused on constantly
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
the idea that I was better than the behavior I displayed. He then sold me on the idea that I could be a leader.
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
They were selling the fact that they were leaders.
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
When I first got in trouble with my CC, he started selling
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
Boring people are generally poor leaders and poor sales people.
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
Remember, humans are not rational. They are very emotional
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
be able to change a person’s point of view requires more than words.
Mohamed Magdyhas quoted7 years ago
advice to people who want to be leaders is, “Keep practicing, keep taking feedback, keep improving, until you have the ability to get the response you want. That is response-ability. That is the essence of leadership.”