Dear Draco,
I haven’t had a chance to write to you all day, which was annoying, because I woke up this morning and I realised that I am absolutely, completely, head-over-heels in love with you. I brushed my teeth and thought about how every time I go to your room you have a new poster up and it makes me want to crack your head open to figure out what goes on in there. I ate cereal and remembered how enthusiastic and yes, flexible you are in bed. I got dressed and wished you were there so I could come kiss you every thirty seconds. You’re funny and I love you. You’re handsome and I love you. You’re crazy and I love you.
Since you’ve been in love for a while, any advice for a novice? How, for instance, am I supposed to concentrate at work when you’re in my head, all lanky and contradictory and absent? Serious question. I am stumped.
Harry Potter