The true stories are consistently engaging and entertaining. The two
short ones-Richard Leaves the Chair Breathless, and Postwar Shortages and Shortfalls,
are hilarious anecdotes. The two longer ones, Remembering the Echoes, and Return to
Tiffany's, are much more ambitious tales, and both are quite heartening and heartwarming.
It was a genuine pleasure to read them during these days when so much that I read is doom
and gloom.
The Return to Tiffany's account of the author's long-term
relationship with Pamela is touching, funny, and endearing. What a terrific romantic
comedy it would make as a film. It has all the elements. Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's
was a romantic fantasy and it made a charming movie, but your story actually has as much
or more depth, drama and substance to it, not least because it's actually true.