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  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Absorption is poor—about 5 percent—

    from high-oxalate greens (beet greens, spinach, and Swiss chard).
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    beans is about 20 percent. 29From almonds, which contain phytates, the body absorbs 14 to 21 percent of the calcium; however, absorption is increased after

    almonds are soaked for eight to twelve hours Calcium is present in oranges, figs, organic blackstrap molasses, and (in smaller amounts) in many plant foods.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Eat dark green vegetables daily. Include broccoli, kale, collard greens, bok choy, and napa (Chinese) cabbage on the shopping list.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Make almonds, almond butter, sesame tahini, and blackstrap molasses a part of meals and snacks. Replacing 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of peanut butter with an equal amount of almond butter boosts calcium intake by 73 mg. Replacing 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of jam with blackstrap molasses can add a surprising 80 to 200 mg of calcium (check labels).
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Special Issues

    High salt or sodium intakes result in increased calcium losses. Each teaspoon (6

    g) of salt contains 2.3 grams of sodium. When excreted by the kidneys, this

    amount of sodium draws with it 24 to 40 mg of calcium. Over time, such urinary

    losses can markedly influence bone loss. It’s been estimated that, in adult

    women, each gram of sodium beyond daily needs will result in an additional rate

    of bone loss of 1 percent per year if all the related calcium loss comes from the

  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago

    each day tiny amounts of iron are lost in cells sloughed from the skin and from

    the inner lining of the intestine; these losses must be replaced from food or


    Other causes can contribute to iron deficiency. Women of childbearing age

    have menstrual iron losses in the range of an extra 30 to 45 mg each month,

    making their dietary requirements higher than those of men.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Recommended Intake

    The RDAs for men and postmenopausal women are set at 8 mg of iron per day

    and for women of childbearing age at 18 mg of iron per day. Although a separate

    RDA hasn’t been set for vegetarians (including vegans), the Institute of

    Medicine (IOM) advises aiming for 1.8 times as much iron as nonvegetarians

    due to the lower bioavailability of nonheme iron from plant foods.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago

    this guide, vegetarian women of childbearing age are advised to get 32.4 mg of

    iron per day, and other adults are urged to get 14.4 mg of iron.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Vegans who include vitamin C–rich

    foods as part of their meals and who don’t routinely include tea, coffee, or

    calcium supplements with meals are less likely to need this suggested level of

    iron intake.
  • Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
    Dietary Sources

    Legumes are good plant sources of iron. They provide 3 to 6 mg of iron per 1

    cup (250 ml) of beans or lentils or per ½ cup (125 ml) of soybeans or tofu (see

    on ).
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