Patrick King

Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors

  • Raul Martinezhas quoted2 years ago
    “actions speak louder than words”
  • dm8d2wvhwvhas quotedlast year
    Projection is a defense mechanism that can cause considerable damage and chaos if not understood for what it is. In this case, we place unwanted and unclaimed feelings onto someone or something else rather than seeing that they are a part of ourselves. We do not recognize our own “dark side” and project it onto others, blaming them for our shortcomings or seeing our flaws in their actions.
  • Dirk Leonhas quotedlast year
    Even the least emotionally and socially intelligent people can learn something about other people if they engage with them long enough.
  • barboravaichas quoted2 years ago
    denial and rationalization.
  • ImNotElmethas quotedlast year
    dark exists because of light
  • IamKing_YThas quotedlast year
    we look for patterns.
  • cvqc6xsygphas quoted4 days ago
    Rather than face the situation, he gets into a screaming match with his accountant, banging his fists on the table in a “tantrum” and then pouting when people try to reason with him.
  • cvqc6xsygphas quoted4 days ago
    Whereas denial simply says, “This isn’t happening,” reaction formation goes a step further and claims, “Not only is that not happening, but the exact opposite is the case. Look!”
  • cvqc6xsygphas quoted4 days ago
    Finally, we come to sublimation. In the same way that projection and displacement take the negative emotions and place them elsewhere, sublimation takes that emotion and channels it through a different, more acceptable outlet.
  • cvqc6xsygphas quoted4 days ago
    Any discussion on motivation must begin with the pleasure principle, which generally states that we move toward pleasure and move away from pain.
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