licitation: easy to perceive and, therefore, easy to resist, if you just keep your wits about you and deploy your common sense. Anyone thus armed will not be moved by the false promises of advertising, nor led into temptation by its other blatant stimuli, however expertly concocted they may be: the motto that you can’t forget, the jingle that won’t leave your head, or the endless hints that you’re too fat or scrawny, pale or pimply, vulgar, flakey-headed, dull or stinky, or just ludicrously “out-of-date.” As advertising is, in short, a vast unwanted overture, those who always try to see it coming will see through it every time, because its many faults—its triviality, its foolishness, its wild hyperbole, and even its incessant bald-faced lies—are all explicit evils, plain as day to anyone with open eyes.