Naomi Westerman

Happy Death Club

  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    ‘There’s a freedom found in decomposition, a body rendered messy, chaotic and wild,’ observes Doughty.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    ‘Humans are so focused on preventing ageing and decay – it’s become an obsession. And for those who have been socialised female, the pressure is relentless. So decomposition becomes a radical act
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    The field of cryonics is aggressively male-dominated, and they tend to really hate the (predominantly female-led) death acceptance movement, who they refer to as ‘Deathists’.19
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    Nederland, North Colorado founding an annual carnival named ‘Frozen Dead Guy Day’. This includes coffin races, a parade of decorated hearses, ‘Frozen Dead Guy’ lookalike competitions, tours of the shed where the frozen body is still stored, and all manner of ice and snow activities.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    what pairs better with a good red than a mushroom dish? In 2008, Korean artist Jae Rhim Lee introduced the world to the mushroom body suit (or the Infinity Burial Suit).14 The stylish black catsuit is implanted with mushroom mycelium which consumes flesh and neutralises bodily toxins.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    The average adult cremation releases approximately 190kg of CO2 into the atmosphere while more than 300kg of mercury is released every year due to the cremation of people with dental fillings12, and – to make things even more complicated – pacemakers have to be dug out or they explode in the ovens.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    Here in the UK, and in several other European countries, we try to ameliorate this problem by re-using graves. In Germany and parts of Italy, your loved one’s grave is only rented for a varying number of years.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    People have long struggled with reconciling the grief rituals around death with the practical realities that we’re all just meat.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    good death means a good life. A life not full of unfulfilled dreams, or plans for the future that will never be realised.
  • Lucia Anayahas quoted2 months ago
    spent nearly a year researching this book. In the process, I travelled to half a dozen different countries, visited twenty-three museums, conducted nearly forty inter views, and read more than a hundred books.
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