What if there is no pre-tribulation Rapture? How will the witnesses use the world’s media to get God’s final message across to the world? Brad Williams is the top Anchor in the U.S. and the world. He works for “The Network”, number one ranked news show in the country and the world. Brad makes or breaks politicians and corporations at the direction of their largest stock holder, Aafre Waldger. Aafre Waldger, world renowned financier with his web of control over the economies of the world and its’ politics, knows that the witnesses are the ones prophesied. And through his Master starts a plan to destroy them and allow the Antichrist and the False Prophet to rise. John Roddenburg, Anchor for Bear News, runs a close second to Brad Williams and his network is constantly attacking The Waldger Group. He befriends the Gentile Witness, Jack South. Jack South, your common everyday baby boomer now in his late 50’s, is selected by God to be the Gentile Witness. His only credentials are that