William Olaf Stapledon

Star Maker

  • mironastiahas quoted3 months ago
    the upshot was insubstantial.
  • mironastiahas quoted3 months ago
    Mr. J. D. Bernal's fascinating little book The World, the Flesh, and the Devil.
  • mironastiahas quoted3 months ago
    The valuable, though much damaged words "spiritual" and "worship," which have become almost as obscene to the Left as the good old sexual words are to the Right, are here intended to suggest an experience which the Right is apt to pervert and the Left to misconceive.
  • mironastiahas quoted4 months ago
    At a moment when Europe is in danger of a catastrophe worse than that of 1914 a book like this may be condemned as a distraction from the desperately urgent defence of civilization against modern barbarism.

    Year by year, month by month, the plight of our fragmentary and precarious civilization becomes more serious. Fascism abroad grows more bold and ruthless in its foreign ventures, more tyrannical toward its own citizens, more barbarian in its contempt for the life of the mind. Even in our own country we have reason to fear a tendency toward militarization and the curtailment of civil liberty. Moreover, while the decades pass, no resolute step is taken to alleviate the injustice of our social order. Our outworn economic system dooms millions to frustration.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    I was a disembodied, wandering view-point
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    With returning courage my power of locomotion returned. Evidently it depended on a vigorous and self-detached mentality. My recent mood of self-pity and earthward-yearning had hampered it.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    Moreover, they struck a chill into my mind, prophesying the universal death. I was comforted, however, to find that as yet there were so few of them.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    turned my attention unduly toward the search for planets, and especially for planets of the terrestrial type
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    our astronomers assure us that in this boundless finitude which we call the cosmos the straight lines of light lead not to infinity but to their source
  • Alejandra Espinohas quotedlast year
    It was no certain guarantee of anything but its own imperfect rightness
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