The best way to predict the future is to create it. —Peter Drucker, business/management expert
Елена Льюисhas quoted8 years ago
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. —Rumi, Sufi poet
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
Level 2: “You lose.” Level 3: “I win.” Level 4: “You win.” Level 5: “We both win.” Level 6: “Everyone always wins.” Level 7: “Winning and losing are illusions.”
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
Here are two scales of dominating thoughts at each level: FEELINGS . . . Level 1: “I hate myself.” Level 2: “I hate you.” Level 3: “I forgive you.” Level 4: “I feel for you.” Level 5: “I understand you.” Level 6: “I am you.” Level 7: “I am.” WINNING AND LOSING . . . Level 1: “I lose.”
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances—to choose one’s own way. —Viktor Frankl, neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
If you don’t believe something is possible, you’re not likely to attempt it. Even if you do, you won’t devote much energy to achieving that goal.
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
put a fine point on it, how we see ourselves determines everything.”
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
So it’s how we see things that determines our level of stress?”
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
Yet today’s version of you is a work in progress, as if it were created in clay and not set in stone. The past doesn’t determine your future. Instead, by carefully examining the sculpture that’s you today, you can choose to remold yourself and
Елена Льюисhas quoted9 years ago
increasingly become more of who you truly want to be.