Torin Adeyemi thought that he'd finally conquered the dark and addictive, bloodlust that led to him committing a multitude of vigilante murders as 'Jack$boi', the savage serial killer, who struck terror in the hearts of Baltimore's inner-city criminals. But now the stakes are much higher ~~ruthless hustler/pimp, Lucien Valentino (see “Deadly Phine: A Tale Of Urban Terror” By Darrell King) and his delectable, but tainted callgirls have unleashed the lethal STD known as HIV5X upon an unsuspecting and vulnerable Baltimore as a part of a sinister and covert shadow government's(known as 'The Sentinels Of The Illuminati') genocidal agenda against blacks. HIV5X a highly aggressive, extremely virulent Strain of AIDS which has a 95% kill rate. As tens of dozens of poor, black and Latino Baltimoreans sicken and die each week from the terrifying pandemic, simultaneously a spate of spree killings and serial slayings begin popping up all across 'Charm City', a group who identify themselves as the “Jungle Katz” takes responsibility for the bloody murders and proudly announces both their admiration for and allegiance to Baltimore's vigilante slasher~~Jungle. With both the HIV5X infection and death rates mounting to dizzying proportions and the copycat murders connecting Jungle via his demented groupies and the always out of control Baltimore city police force up in arms, forces Torin Adeyemi to once again take to get the nighttime city streets as his bloodthirsty alter~ego. With his loving girlfriend Janay now six months pregnant with twins, Torin is reluctant to give in to his murderous addiction, however be can't nor won't fight the urge this time around, his beloved' Charm City has been turned upside down by a creep named Valentino and his contagious prostitutes who've had the awful gall to celebrate their sick, genocidal plans on various social media sites, not to mention the crazed 'Manson family' like Jungle Katz killing ghetto crooks in his name. Jungle has returned and now simply a matter of time before both groups of evildoers pays the ultimate price!