the more she tries to recall these memories the fainter they become
celeste 🖤has quoted29 minutes ago
Cursing others leads to two graves.”
celeste 🖤has quoted32 minutes ago
that he didn’t even have time to visit his only son in the hospital
celeste 🖤has quoted35 minutes ago
his dreams, the child sat under a tree with a white rabbit with black-tipped ears and tail, pleasantly eating away at his own brain.
celeste 🖤has quoted3 hours ago
While they did so, no one noticed that the white bunnies with black-tipped ears and tails, invisible under the daylight sun, were also moving into the office.
celeste 🖤has quoted3 hours ago
none of them noticed the white-with-black-tipped-ears-and-tail bunnies that hopped aboard with the crates of alcohol.
so is the world gonna get cursed… cuz lowkey what happens when u touch them
celeste 🖤has quoted3 hours ago
next day, the little white object had become three, and then six the day after that.
celeste 🖤has quoted3 hours ago
Which is exactly why my grandfather, my father, and I could make a living out of cursed fetishes.
celeste 🖤has quoted3 hours ago
And that was why Grandfather made the cursed bunny.
swvnrfjmrhas quotedlast month
Despite having told this story scores of times, Grandfather’s voice always trembles when he gets to this part,