David G. Benner

The Gift of Being Yourself

  • b1031184361has quoted19 days ago
    self is where we meet God.
  • b1031184361has quoted19 days ago
    live out the uniqueness
  • b1031184361has quoted19 days ago
    knowing both our self and God.
  • b1031184361has quoted19 days ago
    God loves and accepts you as a sinner, how can you do less?
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    If I were sinless, the perfect image of God, I could know the God of love. But knowing myself as the sinner enables me to know something more: a God of mercy—something greater, for love responds to what is good and lovable;
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    This is a very challenging book. If we do listen to it fully and seek to implement it
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    in our life, it will lead to a transformation.
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    We believe we know how to take care of our needs better than God.

    We all tend to fashion a god who fits our falsity.
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    It is not something you need to construct through a process of self-improvement or deconstruct by means of psychological analysis.
  • b1031184361has quotedlast month
    I am making such a big deal out of one consonant at the end of a name!
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