The United States has been experiencing the passage of hundreds, and hundred-thousands of immigrants, and illegal immigrants since 1951 and even up to 2023. meanwhile, this problem has gained the attention of Congress and the United States Senate, who are still trying to pass an immigration bill that will impact the immigration situation near the border of Mexico. Not only is the United States facing an immigrant problem, but, it is also facing the biggest crisis across the 50 states: (HOMELESSNESS). Especially in the state of California because it is the state that has reported 2009 to 2023 a surge in the (HOMELESS) Population/COMMUNITY with over 70,000+ homeless people/citizens as of today still living a.) On the streets b.) Vacant buildings, parking lots c.) Underpass d.) Bridges Library parking Lots, e.) Cars, trucks, vans, and f.) Shelters As you read this brief informative book on why the state of California has the highest account for homeless citizens and immigration is on the rise. Where does it end? You read and listen for yourself!