the DNA responsible for transmitting physical traits, such as the color of our hair, eyes, and skin—surprisingly makes up less than 2 percent of our total DNA.14 The other 98 percent consists of what is called noncoding DNA (ncDNA), and is responsible for many of the emotional, behavioral, and personality traits we inherit.
ɐuɐɥhas quotedlast month
For better or worse, parents tend to pass on the parenting that they themselves received.
Parents tend to pass on the same pattern of the parenting they received because they used to it. Hal itu menjadi terbiasa, jarang ada yang mau mengubah sesuatu karena sesuatu yang baru menakutkan dan tend to be challenging
ɐuɐɥhas quoted3 months ago
In our fear and anxiety, we often try to control our environment to feel safe. That’s because we had so little control when we were small, and there was likely not a safe place for the intense emotions we experienced.