Unhitched: Unlock Your Courage and Clarity and Unstick Your Bad Marriage is a heart-centered, yet practical guide for helping women in unhappy marriages answer the question of whether to stay or go.Unhitched tracks Sunny Joy McMillan’s own journey, from once living a seemingly perfect life on paper but really hiding an unhappy and high-conflict marriage, all the way to a loving, post-divorce friendship with her ex-husband. Demonstrated through both her own story and case studies from her clients, Sunny’s guide outlines a clear process for answering the question of whether to stay or go, shows women how to get divorced gracefully should they decide to leave, and tells women how to create a better, new life.
Unhitched provides women with the clarity to make the right decisions for their marriage, courage to take the right action, and confidence that their life can be better on the other side. Although this guide is practical and includes many tangible exercises and tools, it is unlike similarly-themed guides in that it takes a less sterile and more heart-centered, spiritually-based approach to making tough decisions and taking tough action in a marriage.