bookmate game

Emily Dickinson

  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    As he, defeated, dying,

    On whose forbidden ear

    The distant strains of triumph

    Break, agonized and clear.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    IF I can stop one heart from breaking,

    I shall not live in vain;

    If I can ease one life the aching,

    Or cool one pain,

    Or help one fainting robin

    Unto his nest again,

    I shall not live in vain.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    MINE by the right of the white election!

    Mine by the royal seal!

    Mine by the sign in the scarlet prison

    Bars cannot conceal!

    Mine, here in vision and in veto!

    Mine, by the grave’s repeal

    Titled, confirmed,—delirious charter!

    Mine, while the ages steal!
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    IF you were coming in the fall,

    I’d brush the summer by

    With half a smile and half a spurn,

    As housewives do a fly.

    If I could see you in a year,

    I’d wind the months in balls,

    And put them each in separate drawers,

    Until their time befalls.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    IF you were coming in the fall,

    I’d brush the summer by

    With half a smile and half a spurn,

    As housewives do a fly.

    If I could see you in a year,

    I’d wind the months in balls,

    And put them each in separate drawers,

    Until their time befalls.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    I cannot live with you,

    It would be life,

    And life is over there

    Behind the shelf

    The sexton keeps the key to,

    Putting up

    Our life, his porcelain,

    Like a cup
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    Nor could I rise with you,

    Because your face

    Would put out Jesus‘,

    That new grace
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    They’d judge us—how?

    For you served Heaven, you know,

    Or sought to;

    I could not,

    Because you saturated sight,

    And I had no more eyes

    For sordid excellence

    As Paradise.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    YOUR riches taught me poverty.

    Myself a millionnaire

    In little wealths,—as girls could boast,—

    Till broad as Buenos Ayre,161

    You drifted your dominions

    A different Peru;

    And I esteemed all poverty,

    For life’s estate with you.
  • ceprianokeziahas quotedlast year
    THE rose did caper on her cheek,

    Her bodice rose and fell,

    Her pretty speech, like drunken men,

    Did stagger pitiful.

    Her fingers fumbled at her work,—

    Her needle would not go;

    What ailed so smart a little maid

    It puzzled me to know,

    Till opposite I spied a cheek

    That bore another rose;

    Just opposite, another speech

    That like the drunkard goes;

    A vest that, like the bodice, danced

    To the immortal tune,—

    Till those two troubled little clocks

    Ticked softly into one.
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