Mindy Pelz

  • R Güemeshas quoted2 months ago
    fasting helps with every aspect of metabolic health, from weight loss and high blood pressure to insulin resistance, inflammation, and lowering cholesterol. We also have scientific evidence that fasting repairs our gut microbiome, improves neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s, reboots a struggling immune system, and can power up happiness neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and GABA
  • R Güemeshas quoted2 months ago
    three-day fast can kill precancerous cells and reboot your whole immune system
  • R Güemeshas quoted2 months ago
    it’s the rhythm of moving in and out of feasting and fasting that creates the greatest metabolic change
  • R Güemeshas quoted2 months ago
    If a woman decides to jump into a fasting lifestyle and doesn’t time that fast to her menstrual cycle, adverse symptoms may appear such as hair loss, rashes, anxiety, missed menstrual cycles, thyroid problems, and trouble sleeping.
  • Лилия Счастьеhas quoted10 months ago
    This woman knows that her womanhood is sacred; it can wield magic and help her heal herself. It can even help heal the world around her.
  • Лилия Счастьеhas quoted10 months ago
    My prayer is that every woman reading this book comes to know that doing things “like a girl”—especially learning the ways in which to nurture our primal nature—is the path to freedom and the way in which we, as women, begin to help usher in heaven on earth.
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