Images really are more effective than words in engaging our brains. To give the images in your Mind Maps even more impact, keep them crisp, colourful and clear. This will make them attractive, engaging and memorable.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
linearity will very likely undermine your ability to access or retain all the information that is available to you
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
Colour relates to the right-hand side of the brain, whereas words are associated with the rational left-hand hemisphere. So a combination of colour and words engages the workings of both sides of the brain
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
They add life to images and make them more attractive
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
Numerous studies show how a considered use of colour can:
• Capture attention
• Greatly improve comprehension
• Ignite motivation
• Encourage vibrant communication
• Increase the mental processing and storing of images
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
Make life colourful with Mind Maps!
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
When we are young, we usually learn to draw before we can write.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
A genuine Mind Map uses single words on its branches. This is because single words pack more of a punch than a phrase, as each individual word will trigger its own unique set of associations and thereby generate new ideas.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
secondary languages or subroutines. The Human Language, formed of imagination and association, is the primary language of our species.
b2491977571has quoted2 years ago
One word per branch of your Mind Map will make your brain really engage with the subject and go to the heart of the matter. It will give your brain a hook on which to hang a memory.