Cauldron reveals… You are on the wrong path. Look to see what truly fuels your passion. Don’t worry about letting anyone else down. Take steps towards following your life’s purpose.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Sun reveals… Your dreams will manifest in the summer. Start each morning with Yoga Sun salutations. Take a holiday to a hot climate. Your sunny outlook draws wonderful opportunities to you. Make the most of a great opportunity that is heading your way.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Tarot reveals… Pay attention to external signs and messages you have been receiving lately. Be brave and face a situation head on. Adventure awaits. Study the way of the tarot. Visit a tarot reader. Do not be afraid to use your psychic abilities. Embrace who you are and play out your role with conviction. A new direction beckons to you. Grab an opportunity with both hands and go for it.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Hourglass reveals… You are healing in perfect divine timing. Your natural healing power has awakened. Be open to miracles. Practise Reiki or other hands-on healing techniques. No time to waste, embrace every moment. Quit being a slave to time.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Sundial reveals… The timing is right for this new project. Make the most of everything. Stay focused on the present. Live life to the full. Do not listen to gossip. You are flying high; don’t let others drag you down
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Snake reveals… Brush yourself off and start again. Step away from situations that aren’t aligned with love. Time for a new look. New beginnings are emerging. Your heart is healing.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Dog reveals… Time for acceptance. Seek solace in a best friend. Prepare yourself for change. Relinquish control. The situation is resolving perfectly. Love your friends and family, warts and all.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Wolf reveals… Use integrity. Don’t be afraid to be genuine. Stop exaggerating the truth. Seek a counsellor to get to the root cause of a behavioural concern. Connect with your power animal.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Bear reveals… You are feeling lonely. Don’t hold on so tightly. Seek like-minded people. Know that you are loved. You don’t feel as though you belong. Allow your individuality to shine.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Ship reveals… Stay positive. Have faith and hope. Your dreams are about to come true. Hold a clear vision of your desires. Have patience. Be like an empty vessel in order to receive divinely inspired ideas.