Chris Taylor

  • Andrey Volikhas quoted10 months ago
    Arizona. When he was seventeen, James was drafted and became that rarest of World War II veterans: a Code Talker. He was one of five Code
  • Екатерина Школаhas quotedlast year
    but in the crimson of a setting desert sun he seemed almost timeless.
  • furkan cıvgınhas quoted24 days ago
    Water Clan of the Navajo people, and was born where he still lives, in the mountains near Tsaile, Arizona. When he was seventeen, James was drafted and became that rarest of World War II veterans: a Code Talker. He was one of five Code Talkers who stormed the beaches of Iwo Jima and transmitted more than eight hundred vital messages back and forth between the island and the offshore command post in their native language. Their code was virtually unbreakable because there were then fewer than thirty nonn
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