
Anders Ericsson

  • Nastya Bastrakovahas quoted3 months ago
    the main gift that these people have is the same one we all have—the adaptability of the human brain and body, which they have taken advantage of more than the rest of us.
  • Nastya Bastrakovahas quoted3 months ago
    from a relatively new area of psychology that can be best described as “the science of expertise.”
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    The researchers found, among other things, that the more accomplished music students were better able to determine when they’d made mistakes and better able to identify difficult sections they needed to focus their efforts on.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    This makes sense: if there is no agreement on what good performance is and no way to tell what changes would improve performance, then it is very difficult—often impossible—to develop effective training methods.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    In short, there were no students who just loved to practice and thus needed less motivation than the others. These students were motivated to practice intensely and with full concentration because they saw such practice as essential to improving their performance.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    Looking more closely, we found that the largest differences in practice time among the three groups of students had come in the preteen and teenage years.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    For instance, students who were lucky enough to have worked with exceptional teachers would likely have progressed more quickly than those with teachers who were just okay.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    And, second, even among these gifted musicians—all of whom had been admitted to the best music academy in Germany—the violinists who had spent significantly more hours practicing their craft were on average more accomplished than those who had spent less time practicing.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    But when you can do those two things, you generally find that the best performers are those who have spent the most time in various types of purposeful practice.
  • Вадим Мазурhas quoted2 years ago
    In particular, deliberate practice is informed and guided by the best performers’ accomplishments and by an understanding of what these expert performers do to excel.
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