Yes, he thought, and now they’ll blacklist me; my skill is no use—I have no trade. Fifteen years’ experience. Gone
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
Yet, there was after all something humorous about it, the picture of stolid, grumpy Germans walking around on Mars, on the red sand where no humans had ever stepped before
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
However, the big German chemical cartels, I. G. Farben in particular, had harbored their patents; had, in fact, created a world monopoly in plastics, especially in the development of the polyesters.
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
And the cipher was the metaphor type, utilizing poetic allusion, which had been adopted to baffle the Reich monitors
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
He had been able to procure, miraculously, an almost mint copy of Volume One, Number One of Tip Top Comics. Dating from the ‘thirties, it was a choice piece of Americana; one of the first funny books, a prize collectors searched for constantly
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
And after all, they had been successful with the Jews and Gypsies and Bible Students. And the Slavs had been rolled back two thousand years’ worth, to their heartland in Asia. Out of Europe entirely, to everyone’s relief
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
And as a matter of fact, Africa had almost been successful… but in a project of that sort, almost was an ominous word to begin to hear
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
Watching him, Juliana thought, it’s idealism that makes him that bitter. Asking too much out of life.
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
This guy—Joe whatever—hasn’t even got the right expression on his face; he should have that cold but somehow enthusiastic look, as if he believed in nothing and yet somehow had absolute faith
Alejandra Espinohas quoted2 years ago
And there are others of us. Do you hear? We did not die. We still exist. We live on unseen.”