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S.L.Macgregor Mathers

  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    It is the sea that purifies the world. And the "Great Sea" is in the Qabalah a name of Binah, "Understanding."

    It is by the Understanding of the Magus that his work is purified.

    Binah, moreover, is the Moon, and the bowl of this cup is shaped like the moo
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    The Wand is erect, and must extend to Infinity.

    The surface of the water is flat, and must extend to Infinity.

    One is the line, the other the plane.

    But as the Wand is weak without breadth, so is the water false without depth. The Understanding of the Magus must include all things, and that understanding must be infinitely profound.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    "So therefore first the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud-resounding sea."
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof,
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    40. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    H. G. Wells has said that "every word of which a man is ignorant represents an idea of which he is ignorant." And it is impossible perfectly to understand all things unless all things be first known.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    The savage has none but the most simple associations of ideas.

    Even the ordinary civilized man goes very little further.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    No two ideas have any real meaning until they are harmonized in a third, and the operation is only perfect when these ideas are contradictory. This is the essence of the Hegelian logic.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    There is the lotus of three petals in the Sacrum, in which the Kundalini lies asleep. This lotus is the receptacle of reproductive force.
  • Aarón Matías Salazar Ríoshas quoted2 years ago
    The six-petalled lotus in the heart corresponds to Tiphereth, and receives those vital forces which are connected with the blood.
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