bookmate game

Teri Terry

Teri has lived in France, Canada, Australia and England at more addresses than she can count, acquiring three degrees, a selection of passports and a silly name along the way. Past careers have included scientist, lawyer, optometrist, and, in England, various jobs in schools, libraries and an audiobook charity. The footpaths and canal ways of the Buckinghamshire Chilterns where she now lives inspired much of the setting of Slated. She hates broccoli, likes cats, and has finally worked out what she wants to do when she grows up.Facebook fan page: from the Slushpile: group blog on writing for children http://notesfromtheslushpile.blogspot...**IMPORTANT: Please do not message me on Goodreads with requests for review copies, swag, interviews, or anything else. See the contact section of my website for that. Messages on Goodreads may (and probably will) go unanswered!**


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