
Jennifer Lynn Barnes

  • cadela sem Valeurhas quotedlast year
    “What are we doing here?”

    “Sighing melodramatically,”
  • Kejsi bishjahas quoted2 years ago
    Michael leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine. Then he pulled back and studied my face. Whatever he saw there, he liked.

    “Thank you,” he said. “That’s all I needed to know.”
  • Kejsi bishjahas quoted2 years ago
    “So take whatever time you need. Figure out how you feel. Figure out if Dean makes you feel the way I do, if he’ll ever let you in, and if you want him to, because the next time my lips touch yours, the next time your hands are buried in my hair—the only person you’re going to be thinking about is me.”
  • Deehas quoted3 months ago
    Locke met my gaze. “You.”
  • Avrianna Moises (Avi)has quotedlast month
    desperate times called for desperate measures.
  • Avrianna Moises (Avi)has quotedlast month
    natural aptitude for something that most people could spend a lifetime trying to learn.
  • Avrianna Moises (Avi)has quotedlast month
    “Chicken.” I leveled the insult at my own reflection and then pushed back from the mirror.
  • melhas quoted3 months ago
    “Facial expressions, posture, gestures, the works,” he said. “You nibble on the inside of your lip when you’re nervous. And you get this little wrinkle at the corner of your right eye when you’re trying not to stare.”
  • melhas quoted3 months ago
    “You wear a different style of clothing every time I see you,” I said. “You stand differently. You talk differently. You never say anything about yourself.”
  • melhas quoted3 months ago
    “You’re annoyed with me,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. “But also intrigued.”
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