Tiffany D. Jackson

Tiffany D. Jackson is the author of Allegedly, Monday’s Not Coming, and Let Me Hear a Rhyme. A TV professional by day, novelist by night, she received her bachelor of arts in film from Howard University and her master of arts in media studies from the New School. A Brooklyn native, she is a lover of naps, cookie dough, and beaches, currently residing in the borough she loves, most likely multitasking. You can visit her online at


Dayahas quotedlast year
“Thing is, though,” he said, “if I can’t love and accept myself just as I am, why the hell would I expect anybody else to?”
Dayahas quotedlast year
I can’t fight away a smile. “Will you remember this?”

Dayahas quotedlast year
Earlier, Mrs. Tucker asked him where he was from too.

“Earth,” he said. “Still debating if I’m staying, though.”

The class group chat agreed—he’s our favorite bus driver so far.



Dayashared an impressionlast year
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