bookmate game

Allen & Unwin

  • garnikprhas quoted2 years ago
    They stayed, many of them, because staying was easier and less scary than leaving, and because for a while at least they’d be able to draw unemploy
  • garnikprhas quoted2 years ago
    They stayed, many of them, because staying was easier and less scary than leaving, and because for a while at least they’d be able to draw unemploy
  • ilaila13has quoted3 months ago
    Being mayor of Empire Falls was a full-time job with a part-time salary,
  • ilaila13has quoted3 months ago
    If chickens had any idea what was in store for them, they’d stay where they were in their eggs.
  • ilaila13has quoted3 months ago
    Good fences make good neighbors.
  • ilaila13has quoted3 months ago
    The terrible truth was that such slender gestures seemed even to Miles, at sixteen, both too much and too little, more than just about everyone else was willing to do but far less than conscience dictated.
  • ilaila13has quoted3 months ago
    it was a lot easier to forget a thousand things you wanted to remember than the one thing you wanted to lose sight of.
  • ilaila13has quoted2 months ago
    Just because things happen slow doesn’t mean you’ll be ready for them.
  • ilaila13has quoted2 months ago
    “Slow” works on an altogether different principle, on the deceptive impression that there’s plenty of time to prepare, which conceals the central fact, that no matter how slow things go, you’ll always be slower.
  • mecalcaghas quotedlast year
    The brain and spinal cord are mainly made of fat; the
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