And if I hear one more of you touches her, or so much as breathes in her direction?” He paused, circling to all the inmates. “You will be next. And I will not be so generous in how I kill you.”
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
Rosie.” I rubbed my head. “It’s not like that. We hate each other.”
Laugher howled through the room, her hand going to her throat. “If this is what hate looks like, then sign me up.”
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
Then you’re not fuckin’ getting it, princess. This world would be in shreds if anything happened to you.”
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
Please, baby, wake up… please don’t leave me… Ling, my love.” He rocked her on his lap, blood
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
This is Věrhăza.” Boyd motioned behind him.
“The House of Blood.”
Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quotedlast year
“You can’t even fight off fae glamour.” He motioned to me. “How could you supersede a fae treasure?”
A wicked smile teased my mouth. “Don’t you get it?”
“Get what?”
“I am the nectar.”
Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quotedlast year
All I understood was that Warwick and I walked the line, and even if we lived in the gray, we fucked in color.
I don't really like Stacey's writing but this is so poetic 🌷🌷
Jᜀᜈ᜔ᜈhas quotedlast year
“Te valodi vagy… sötét démonom.”
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
Subject Number One.”
“And where is Subject One?”
He smirked. “Standing in front of me.”
arxas asmrhas quoted10 months ago
“I want nothing except for you to get out of my head.”