bookmate game

Meg Jay

  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    Information and opportunity spread farther and faster through weak ties than through close friends because weak ties have fewer overlapping contacts.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    True interconnectedness rests not on texting best friends at one a.m., but on reaching out to weak ties that make a difference in our lives even though they don’t have to.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    When weak ties help, the communities around us—even the adult community that twentysomethings are warily in the process of entering—seem less impersonal and impenetrable. Suddenly, the world seems smaller and easier to navigate
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    If weak ties do favors for us, they start to like us. Then they become even more likely to grant us additional favors in the future.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    Franklin did research on his target and found out the legislator’s areas of expertise. He presented himself as a serious person with a need that matched. He made himself interesting. He made himself relevant. And he asked for a clearly defined favor: the use of a book.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    Make yourself interesting.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    So—even and especially as we job-hop and move cross-country and change roommates and spend our weekends about town—this is the time to be connecting, not just with the same people having the same conversations about how work is lame or how there are no good men out there, but with those who might see things a little differently.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    like being in the middle of the ocean, like this vast, unmarked body of water. He couldn’t see land in any direction, so he didn’t know which way to go. He felt overwhelmed by the prospect that he could swim anywhere or do anything.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    treading water to stay alive.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    “I would say you pick a direction and start swimming. But you can’t tell one way from the other, so you can’t pick. You can’t even tell if you’re swimming toward something, so why would you use up all your energy going the wrong way? I guess all you can do is hope someone comes along in a boat or something,”
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)