
Octavia E.Butler

  • Irasema Fernándezhas quoted2 years ago
    I need to write about what I believe. I need to begin to put together the scattered verses that I’ve been writing about God since I was twelve. Most of them aren’t much good. They say what I need to say, but they don’t say it very well. A few are the way they should be. They press on me, too, like the two deaths.
  • Irasema Fernándezhas quoted2 years ago
    God can’t be resisted or stopped, but can be shaped and focused.
  • Irasema Fernándezhas quoted2 years ago
    God imposes on us. God is power, and in the end, God prevails.

    But we can rig the game in our own favor if we understand that God exists to be shaped, and will be shaped, with or without our forethought, with or without our intent.
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    “Do you think our world is coming to an end?” Dad asked, and with no warning at all, I almost started crying. I had all I could do to hold it back. What I thought was, “No, I think your world is coming to an end, and maybe you with it.” That was terrible. I hadn’t thought about it in such a personal way before. I turned and looked out a window until I felt calmer. When I faced him again, I said. “Yes. Don’t you?”
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    “We can’t live this way!” Cory shouted. I jumped. I’ve never heard her sound like that before.

    “We do live this way,” Dad said. There was no anger in his voice, no emotional response at all to her shouting. There was nothing. Weariness. Sadness.
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    The company-city subgenre always seemed to star a hero who outsmarted, overthrew, or escaped “the company.” I’ve never seen one where the hero fought like hell to get taken in and underpaid by the company. In real life, that’s the way it will be. That’s the way it is.
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    That was Dad’s funeral that I was preaching—his and the community’s. Because as much as I want all that I said to be true, it isn’t. We’ll be moved, all right. It’s just a matter of when, by whom, and in how many pieces.
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    People are setting fires because they’re frustrated, angry, hopeless. They have no power to improve their lives, but they have the power to make others even more miserable. And the only way to prove to yourself that you have power is to use it.
  • Nast Huertahas quoted2 years ago
    It’s crazy to live this way, suspecting helpless old people. Insane. But we need our paranoia to keep us alive. Hell, Harry wanted to let the old guy sit with us. It took Zahra and me together to let him know that wasn’t going to happen. Harry and I have been well-fed and protected all our lives. We’re strong and healthy and better educated than most people our age. But we’re stupid out here. We want to trust people. I fight against the impulse.
  • Dani CyChas quoted2 months ago
    maybe she just went crazy because her God was demanding too much of her.
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