Michael Ellsberg

Michael Ellsberg is the founder of Eye Gazing Parties, the world's only singles event based on eye contact. He collaborated on Flirting with Disaster; Why Accidents Are Rarely Accidental. He graduated from Brown University and lives in Brooklyn with his fiancé.


Jose Chang Salazarhas quoted2 years ago
“[T]he mirror of the mind is the face, its index the eyes,” Cicero
Jose Chang Salazarhas quoted2 years ago
Implicit in this phrase is the idea that we cannot tell a lie when we are looking someone in the eyes; whatever our mouths say, we believe that our eyes will tell the truth.
Jose Chang Salazarhas quoted2 years ago
Actually, maybe I was—all babies are natural eye contact pros, as we’ll soon see. But we lose this facility quickly as self-consciousness develops.
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